28 February 2007

I can't believe this is my first Grace Book entry of 2007. What have I been up to? Just been too distracted with things, mainly relationship. I feel my life has been distant from God in recent times. Nevertheless, God has continued showering blessings upon me and my family.

This entry was inspired by the kindness of my work colleagus Christine, Yvonne and Ian.

I arrived late into work as I had slept in. Christine asked how I was and I told her I slept in and signalled at a sandwich and a cup-a-soup for my breakfast. Christine then offered me her Crunchy Nut cornflakes, which I initially declined but few moments later, accepted her kind offer.

Later on in the afternoon, Yvonne came up to me and gave me a voucher for £2.50 off men's skincare products from Boots. This was very useful for me. I went to Boots at Buchanan Galleries after work and got a Boots Botanics facewash. Of all male colleagues, Yvonne chose to offer me the voucher =). Throughout the day, Ian and I had been on Sametime and kind of discussed out unhappiness in relationships. We're in similar situations; our gf's not satisfied with us and always want more. Anyway, Ian caught a ride into town with me and accompanied me to Boots and Jessops (for Ming's camera battery) before giong home himself. So we got to talk during this time. Thank God I have someone at work I can talk to and in similar situation.

Although I haven't been the best child of God, nor best son to my mum, God never gives up in blessing me. I just hope I can continue to be grateful for what He has given me. I need to give thanks more often =) So I thank God for Christine, Yvonne and Ian.