12 August 2002

After chatting to Chi Wing about doing workouts and stuff, we arranged to go to the gym together on Tuesday 13th August. However, though I agreed the first time I actually felt I didn't want to go. I changed the day to the Tuesday as the Monday was a family day out for me. So I was thinking of an excuse I could use to cancel the gym and prayed about it lots, thinking there would be no way out. Thank God, while in Chung Ying cash & carry, Big W phoned to ask if I could work 10am-5pm OT on Tuesday! I said yes and since the gym was meant for 1pm I told Chi I couldn't go as I had to work! Praises be to God!

11 August 2002

After having mini-J.U.M.P. on Friday 9th August, Natalie decided to accept Christ and wanted to come to church on the Sunday. Catherine didn't like the idea and wanted to just leave Natalie and not contact her about church. Me and mum were very hurt, me especially. You shouldn't treat a new Christian like that!

So I prayed and prayed to God on Saturday, REALLY asking God for a miracle as Cat was so adament not to contact Natalie. On Sunday morning the Lord changed Cat's heart and she phoned Natalie to arrange for us to pick her up for church! Hallelujah! What a miracle! =)