04 October 2006

Because the girls have to evict from the flat by 15th Dec, there would be no point in getting broadband installed as it would involve an engineer installing a box and a contract for 12 months minimum. The girls were tapping broadband from a "gbelkin" for the last 2/3 weeks. Although the signal was low, it managed to sustain until yesterday where there was no connection at all.

This was heavily inconvenient for Je as she had to help her sister with UCAS personal statement and need to go online for her coursework etc. Sa could walk five minutes to uni library (SL) but Je had not local alternatives. Upset, Je called her dad to complain. Je's dad suggested we as a neighbour whether we can share their broadband with them for two months only and pay half the monthly fee.

We went over to flat 3/1 and explained our situation and asked if it were possible to share with them. Their flat lease expires end of Oct but they were very happy to help us out.

Thursday 5th Oct, Je & Sa paid the woman Chanelle £7 to use broadband for at least a month. Praise God. =)

28 September 2006

As mentioned earlier, since moving into flat, difference started to arise between Je and Sa. After they received the eviction letter, confusion arose: what's going to happen to the girls? Is this a sign from God they shouldn't be together? What's worse is Sa mentioned she might look into moving in with Om which meant that Je would be stranded alone, and it's so difficult to find a flatmate at this time. Everyone else has signed a contract until June.

Anyway, this evening I called an 'emergency' meeting with Sa. We had a discussion about the current situation, our past and our future. How happy the three of us were about a year ago, especially at retreat, and how things seem to different now. At the end we decided that twelve days were not enough to judge how the two girls will get on, that i'll be difficult for both girls to find new accommodation and that communication was lacking in the flat so causing more problems.

To concluded we prayed together and also the girls agreed to make more effort to communicate clealy and make things work out in the flat. Happier again.

16 August 2006

I wanna thank God for today's telephone interview with Hewitt Associates, an HR consultancy. Maria planned to call me at 4:30pm. I sat in a quiet room awaiting the call, whilst praying and reading the newspaper. Bang on at 4:30pm Je texted me to encourage me, saying all the best for the interview and to speak calmly and clearly. I was very happy to receive this text from Je as it showed she still cared for me especially amidst us having a severe falling out involving Je, Sa and myself. I regret so much.

The interview went really well. Maria called for 41 mins. I felt confident and happy to answer all her questions and managed to ask a few questions back and make small talk. I should hear back within two weeks. If successful I'll get a face to face interview. If employed I'll be working at City Park. Salary package £14,900. Let's continue praying...

An update since 16th August: Was offered a face to face interview with Hewitt on Wed 23rd Aug with Denise Cairns. Interview went well, and Friday 25th August I was offered job by Johnnie. Praise God!

Je came back Friday 15th Sept, Sa came back on Sat 16th Sept. Mon 18th Sept, I opened letter for the girls advising landlord wished to sell property so the girls will have to vacate property by 15th December. That was shocking news indeed. Since the girls weren't really getting on all that well, it confused things even further. What would the future of the flatmates be? Who would be left alone?

10 June 2006

Must record down these things to praise God as two week in a row 'lucky' things have happened. I do not believe in luck as I believe in God's blessings.

Last Saturday 3rd June, Je and I were out town. Whilst waiting for her to come out of toilets in Starbucks I heard a staff call out two frappucino's which nobody claimed in almost ten minutes. At the end Je and I took them after she came out of the toilet: banana frap and strawberry and cream frap =)

Later in Zara Man we found an 18th birthday card from Clinton's in a changing room, brand new, so I took it in case we can it use for someone's 18th birthday. =) Jean and I had a long walk and talk later, then rested at Jury's Inn hotel - there at the internet machine I found a £1 coin. Three blessings in a row? Not enough! At around 11pm we suddenly had the urge to catch a film, one called "Friends with Money" began at 11:20pm, but would mum allow me out? It would definitely break the midnight curfew. We got home, and I asked mum if I could go catch film as that night was the most convenient seeing I have to work during the week. Mum agreed! =) Thank God!

And a week has gone by with many other blessings but I had not made the effort / time to write down on Grace Book abot last Sat until yesterday.

We were leaving IKEA after furniture hunting and I noticed a trolley with £1 coin inside - one identical to the one we were using. So I just grabbed both trolleys and unlocked the £1 coins =)

Later at Counting House I picked up 5pence at the bar when I paid for the food order.

All these things to give thanks to God =)

23 May 2006

For the past few months Je, Sa and To had been discussing about staying together for next year and had done numerous flat hunts and visits. There were times where they had been close to signing a contract, however, something was always in the way - either cannot agree on location, bad public trnsport, and also some bickering between Je and Sa over little things.

The issue also came to light that they girls do not really know To that well. He was Je's classmate and would have been very helpful in helping Je with her coursework like he has done this year. However, the fact that he is a guy complicates things - cultural differences (he's from China), he might hig on the girls, he likes alcohol a lot, what if the girls use flat for Bible study? There are all factors to consider. Also I do not think I would stand my girlfriend living with another guy alone. Three people would be pushing it, one-to-one would be no way!

Towards the latter few weeks the nicer three bedroom flats started to disappear. There were even times when Je would say that if things do not work out for her and Sa then she wouldn't mind staying with To. However, she knew I was really against that idea - for many reasons: my girlfriend and another guy under the same roof alone, we both do not know the guy well, the guy likes alcohol, and what kind of guy would live with another guy's girfriend? So yes, I was jealous and afraid something might happen between them. Afraid from bf's point of view, also from Christian point of view.

Last night was decision night for Je and Sa, whether they will stay together or not. After long discussion / expression and persuasion, Je decided to choose staying with Sa than with To - because she respects me she said. So in a way she has given up her 'education' for me. Sa had to decide if she wants to stay with Je or some other people. Sa decided to stay with Je.

May God bless this friendship and this new journey!

02 May 2006

Tonight I was over at Je's place cooking dinner for her as she had a break from studying in library. After she ate we chatted before her flatmate Melanie brought a friend into the kitchen, Caroline. We just chatted about models, about looks etc. I was look through my camera and deleting old pics. Melanie also looked through some pics and asked about Sarah's dance performance which I mentioned took place in a church.

When Je went away to shower, I was left with the two girls and Caroline picked up the point that I go to chuch and asked if I was Catholic or Protestant. Then the three of us had a long coversation about faith and religion. Turns out Caroline grew up in Catholic primary school but she decided not to go to Catholic secondary school because she did not believe in the stuff she was taught, however she still has some sort of 'faith' in something.

The conversation was challenging for me and it happened when I leasted expected it. However, I managed to share about mum's hands healed by God after going to church, and also how my faith in God developed through the years as I experienced Him more. =)

Then I had to rush off to take Je back to uni library because she was afraid her books and notes may be taken away by students as they were left unattended for so long. So Je was quite panicky. We prayed before I drove off, and I drove quickly to the library and asked Je to call or text me with the 'result' once she goes upstairs. I waited in car praying and holding my silent phone asking God to have mercy on Je who is trying to study and I asked that God will not let this be an obstacle to Je's studies as she was already struggling.

After about ten minutes, I heard footsteps run from behind the car and saw it was Je. I thought she ran out crying that her books were gone, but instead she had a smile on her face and told me the books were stilll there. 'Yes! Praise God!' was my first reaction! =)

That Lord is gracious! And I think I should start a Grace Book. =)

08 April 2006

I told mum that Chris is going to buy the bike off me and mum said praise God as she had been praying about it, asking God to find a suitable buyer for the bike and now Chris has come up. Once again it has shown God listens to prayer and it is encouraging for our family, particularly at this time when mum is unemployed etc =)

(update) Due to changes in EU legislation for oversea students, Chris no longer wanted to buy the bike because he does not know if he'll be in the UK for long after graduating. Not to worry, guess I have to be patient.

07 April 2006

1118hrs, Chris Ho texted me saying he's interested in buying my bicycle from me and I could bring it any time and he'll pay me. So I texted him back suggesting we trade on Sunday after church. Praise God! Finally I can sell my bike and make use of the money. I think it'll be £100 up to £130, but £100 more realistic.

05 April 2006

Gary Irvine and Kirstin Hamilton walked around the office and handed the bonus cash out to folk. I was typing up a note when Andrea asked me if I was on a call. I said no and I put myself on Meetings.

Gary counted seven £10 notes and said congratulations to me. Kirsten got me to sign and date on her clipboard. That's £70 bonus this month, £60 last month. So I have taken £20 this time and mum gets £50, which she can use to get herselgf something nice - like a bra again like last month.

04 April 2006

Yesterday Andrea handed out letters to our team about our wages increasing alongside the Cost of Living. My rate of pay has gone up from £13,500 to £13,824.

So thank God I can have better monthly wages before having to leave by Sept the latest as our office is migrating to Coventry.

Today Andrea spend the day looking through and reviewing our survey returns from last month. She commented on several occasions that my case notes were so long and I had to many activities e.g. Heraty and Clay. At the end of the day day Andrea read out our number of returns and our average. I have thirteen returns (out of twenty-five courtesy calls) and an average of 8.2 for this month. Andrea said earlier I'll be getting quite a bit of 'moolah' this month =)

Money should be given out at end of this week. Praise God. I'll write again when I get the money.

14 March 2006

Another item of thanksgiving! Today Andrea called me over to her desk for a moment. I didn't know what to expect - was I in trouble again? I haven't done anything wrong recently! Hehe!

It turned out that yesterday (13th March) I had been with the company for six months already and after six months our salary gets reviewed.

Andrea informed me that my pay was reviewed, and I met all performance targets so my salary has increased an extra £500, which means I now work for £13,500 a year! =)

Little bit more money for me each month and a little more for mum too.

The Lord has mercy on our family at this tough moment. I pray that I may never forget this.

10 March 2006

In the morning Alan gave out a bundle of survey returns to me. Had ten in this bunch, so I started looking through the survey reviews mainly Q2 answers. Had six 10's of the ten surveys. Not quite seven or eight Greg had me expect, but still good. A 'Mr Smith', who whilst on case notes and courtesy call expressed satisfaction at CRC service and outcome gave me 1/10, surprised. Anyway, I went to toilet and came back to my desk when Kirsten was talking to Scott. Kirsten then turned aroudn to me and said, "Oh Gordon, just the person I need to see. I'm here to give you a ten for tens." So I said, "Oh alright" and saw I got six 10's, signed and dated clipboard. Kirsten counted six £10 notes and gave them to me. All six £10 notes I folded into my wallet then meditated a prayer to God giving thanks.

Initially I thought I might keep £20 for myself and give mum £60, if I got £80. But since it's £60, I thought give mum £40, but at the end, when i was in the kitchen about to hand money to mum, I decided it was better to give £50 to mum and I keep £10.

I would feel better and mum would make better use of the money. Also next month there will be another £10 for 10/10 incentive but also average grade has to be 7.4+.

So thanks to God for His mercy on our family and I hope I have more opportunities to get more money, and give thanks to God.

08 March 2006

Writing this whilst at work, to be transferred to Grace Book later.

A few moments ago, I asked Greg Burnett if it was possible to look at our survey returns for this month since there is an incentive that offers us £10 cash for every 10/10 we get returned from customers. The system was down so we were not too busy and had no queues etc.

Greg jokingly asked me if I wanted to see how many tenners I'd be getting. I sheepishly smiled back. Greg raised his hands and asked if I wanted to know how many tenners I'd be getting - and started raising his fingers - from thumb to total of seven fingers and he wiggled eighth finger saying "possibly".

I was surprised / amazed by that, and could only say, "really?!". Greg saidI have the highest rating in the centre this month or something along those lines. Alex heard and made a comment of respect or awe.

All I could say was "praise God" but unfortunately I did not say it loud enough.

The Lord really had mercy on our family. I prayed a few weeks back telling God if I got any amount of money I'd give most of it to mum to support the family. So if I get £80 I plan to only take £20 and give rest to mum. I think we'll get our cash at work in a few weeks time. I cannot wait to see my surveys. Will write again when I get the money. =)

04 March 2006

It's amazing how God can speak to us. Tonight Je and I spent a few hours talking things over, talking over our situation.

For the past two months we've been together, yet not 'together' as such. A sort of unspoken 'agreement' or 'feeling' for each other, but how long can this sort of thing go on for?

We already agreed last time that we are "more than friend, less than lovers". Recently we've been really close and really it's like we're boyfriend / girlfriend but not officially kinda thing.

At end of our discussion we concluded two things:
i) Je might not be emotionally ready to start another relationship
ii) We should give more time and now include God in our relationship.

So we prayed together about wher our future lies, and asked God for guidance in our lives. It felt much better after that and from then it felt 'fresh'.

So came home, bathed and prayed to God, again, asking for guidance and forgiveness for leaving God out of the picture. Went to sleep and Lye Yoong texted me, 1:29am.

Message: "Do not let busyness of everyday life take ur eyes off God n Christ or crowd out the Holy Spirit's guidance."

I was like 'Wow! Amazing!' It cannot be a coincidence Lye Yoong would text me such message out of the blue. Must be God speaking to me through her.

So I forwarded the text to Je to encourage her too and show her God's wonder.

Just so cool. So yeah, we should be praying more often now. And Jean also mentioned she would rely on me a lot for spiritual guidance. Not necessary a bad thing seeing as it would mean I need to keep my spiritual walk in check. =)

26 January 2006

Thank You Lord for car tyres
Thank You for patience
Thank You for friends praying
Thank You that I can read English
Thank You for understanding
Thank You for street lighting
Thank You for safety on roadside
Thank You for torch light
Thank You for strength
Thank You for easiness of nuts to come off
Thank You for smooth changing of tyre
Thank You mum came down
Thank You for mum's warm and filling dinner
Thank You for mum washing up
Thank You for shopping with Jean in car
Thank You car is safe.


24 January 2006

Yesterday Andrea informed me I had a meeting scheduled with her today 10:15am-10:45am, a Q&A meeting thing. I had a little feeling inside it may not be as simple as that as usually it is Gillian the QA lady who would give people feedback on their calls. So 10:15am came, I came off my call and sat next to Andrea, put on a headset and watched the screen capture.

Things got a bit awkward when I saw eBay website during the call. Oh my gosh - Wednesday morning, few minutes after 8am, my first call, and all got captured! How I searched for info from customer's VIN number, how I took up eBay website whilst waiting for customer to tell me VIN etc. Oh dear! Only the week before did I sign an 'agreement' saying I will not use the internet during work - only at breaks and lunch. *gulp!* Luckily, Andrea said I will not need to attend a hearing about this, as it's my first offense and Andrea is not going to pursue it further. I apologised and I have learnt a valuable lesson.

Sorry God, sorry Andrea!

18 January 2006

There is justice! God is just! =)

Tuesday 13th December I used Buy It Now to purchase 40 Mach 3 Turbo blades from an eBay member for £36.97 and paid instantly through Paypal. Two days later 15th Dec I got email fom seller advising her suppliers had been delaying the stock and next available delivery date would be 21st Dec. I had a choice of sticking with order, to be delivered 21st, or a full refund. I chose full refund and asked for confirmation. 19th Dec still not heard from seller so emailed to ask for update - still nothing.

28th Dec still no sign, so emailed seller asking to settle the case amicably or I shall report to eBay if no notice within five working days.

4th January, five working days were up - I reported situation to Paypal. They looked into the case and attempted contacting seller on by behalf. Gave seller till 14th Jan to respond. No response from seller by 14th and she was asked to supply proof of mailing out product to me.

Yesterday, 17th January, I came home from work and found a white jiffy bag sent to me by recorded delivery. I picked it up and saw it was opened at the corner of the seal. Inside it was empty! Cat signed for it easlier in the morning. So, puzzled I was, I checked for parcel status on Royalmail website and it said package held - strange. Called customer services who gave me number of nearest holding office to call this morning.

I called during this morning work teabreak. Was advised packed delivered and signed for yesterday. Must be that envelope!!! I advised envelope was opened and I wanna complain. Girl advised it was signed for in that condition, cannot do anything =(

Called home to tell mum, also felt lousy, like I was conned my money. Work got busy, not much chance go online. Came home and checked email after dinner and saw Paypal ruled the case in my favour. I was refunded £36.97, what I originally paid the seller. I am so happy. Just wanna praise God - thank Him for His justice. I think after five working days I'll buy blades from a better seller. =)