23 May 2006

For the past few months Je, Sa and To had been discussing about staying together for next year and had done numerous flat hunts and visits. There were times where they had been close to signing a contract, however, something was always in the way - either cannot agree on location, bad public trnsport, and also some bickering between Je and Sa over little things.

The issue also came to light that they girls do not really know To that well. He was Je's classmate and would have been very helpful in helping Je with her coursework like he has done this year. However, the fact that he is a guy complicates things - cultural differences (he's from China), he might hig on the girls, he likes alcohol a lot, what if the girls use flat for Bible study? There are all factors to consider. Also I do not think I would stand my girlfriend living with another guy alone. Three people would be pushing it, one-to-one would be no way!

Towards the latter few weeks the nicer three bedroom flats started to disappear. There were even times when Je would say that if things do not work out for her and Sa then she wouldn't mind staying with To. However, she knew I was really against that idea - for many reasons: my girlfriend and another guy under the same roof alone, we both do not know the guy well, the guy likes alcohol, and what kind of guy would live with another guy's girfriend? So yes, I was jealous and afraid something might happen between them. Afraid from bf's point of view, also from Christian point of view.

Last night was decision night for Je and Sa, whether they will stay together or not. After long discussion / expression and persuasion, Je decided to choose staying with Sa than with To - because she respects me she said. So in a way she has given up her 'education' for me. Sa had to decide if she wants to stay with Je or some other people. Sa decided to stay with Je.

May God bless this friendship and this new journey!

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