04 March 2006

It's amazing how God can speak to us. Tonight Je and I spent a few hours talking things over, talking over our situation.

For the past two months we've been together, yet not 'together' as such. A sort of unspoken 'agreement' or 'feeling' for each other, but how long can this sort of thing go on for?

We already agreed last time that we are "more than friend, less than lovers". Recently we've been really close and really it's like we're boyfriend / girlfriend but not officially kinda thing.

At end of our discussion we concluded two things:
i) Je might not be emotionally ready to start another relationship
ii) We should give more time and now include God in our relationship.

So we prayed together about wher our future lies, and asked God for guidance in our lives. It felt much better after that and from then it felt 'fresh'.

So came home, bathed and prayed to God, again, asking for guidance and forgiveness for leaving God out of the picture. Went to sleep and Lye Yoong texted me, 1:29am.

Message: "Do not let busyness of everyday life take ur eyes off God n Christ or crowd out the Holy Spirit's guidance."

I was like 'Wow! Amazing!' It cannot be a coincidence Lye Yoong would text me such message out of the blue. Must be God speaking to me through her.

So I forwarded the text to Je to encourage her too and show her God's wonder.

Just so cool. So yeah, we should be praying more often now. And Jean also mentioned she would rely on me a lot for spiritual guidance. Not necessary a bad thing seeing as it would mean I need to keep my spiritual walk in check. =)

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