10 March 2011

Hate the sin, love the sinner

The above phrase "Hate the sin, love the sinner" replayed in my head a few times yesterday and today.  I think I started thinking about some stuff after a conversation on last night in fact.  Was quite random but still thought-provoking.  Then I realised why I've been feeling the way I've been feeling recently.  And a wee voice reminded me of the above phrase, telling me to live it out, not just to recite it.  Yes, Lord, I will.  I will make changes with Your help =)

Then tonight an unplanned visit to cell group had me join the group as they studied the Beatitudes taken from Matthew's gospel chapter 5 verses 3 through to 11.  We looked at verse 9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

So we discussed what being a peacemaker is like, where does the peace come from?  Many people see peace as absence of conflict, absence of war etc.  Jesus gave us the peace, the Shalom.  With this peace we should become peacemakers.  In order to do this we i) need to find peace within ourselves.  Some of us have issues with self worth and/or we blame ourselves for things.  ii) we need to sort out bitterness with each other.  iii) we need peace with God.  Through Christ Jesus we are peace with God so we should strive to maintain a healthy relationship and walk with God.

It was the second point that really struck me.  It really tied in with the phrase at the start of this post.  I think there has been some bitterness inside me from recent events.  A grudge of some sort.  And these negative things actually get in the way between us and God.  Between me and God.  And you know what?  Right at this very moment I recall my devotional time with God this morning.  It talked about the Lord's prayer where Jesus taught us to say "Lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil." (Matt. 6:13)  The devotional sharing extract I read:

"Keep in mind too that the devil will take full advantage of any bitterness in us.  That is why total forgiveness is essential if we are to be delivered from his [devil's] power.  Satan exploits bitterness and grudges.  Paul said, 'I have forgiven in the sight of Christ... in order that Satan might not outwit us.  For we are not unaware of his schemes' (2 Corinthians 2: 10-11).  As the New Living Bible puts it, 'A further reason for forgiveness is to keep from being outsmarted by Satan.'" - from "The Excellent Way", R.T. Kendall, 9 March 2011.

It's amazing how God can speak to us through so many different channels.  For me it was a phone conversation that kicked it off and had me thinking about stuff inside.  Then it was my personal time with God, again reminding me about bitterness.  And then in a group setting where I study God's Word with fellow brothers and sisters in cell group.  How amazing is that!

My prayer

The message is loud and clear God!  Submit the bitterness and negativity over to You and let You take them all away.  Forgive me Lord for holding anything back and letting these things get in the way between me and You and between me and others.  Please help others to also forgive me and not feel bitterness towards me either, nor block me from Facebook.  Yes, Lord, you know this is something that hurts me and I know I have done wrong and sinned against You too.  I should not view such thing as important or more important than the security inside of me knowing I have been forgiven by You and that's what matters most.  I should not care about other people's opinions of me but care about what You think of me the most.  Thank You, Lord for Your love, grace and mercy.  I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.

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