19 May 2010

Our desires

It's amazing how God can know your desires and grant them as well even though you might not have requested it in prayer to Him.  I mean, this is a great example.

I was due a replacement tuition vehicle from the AA this morning.  My first tuition vehicle was navy blue and I picked it up on 19 November 2009 down in Market Harborough.  I was the only person to get navy blue colour out of the fleet of black, silver, gun metal silver, blue, khaki etc.  So I felt it was quite a rare colour to get.  I returned to Glasgow to only ever see two or three other navy blue AA cars.  When I knew the time was up for a change of vehicle, I thought to myself what colour I'd like.  Well, Bryan got black colour at his induction (I passed my Part 3 in his car!), and he got another black coloured Focus for his replacement.  No change for him. Louise who recently qualified also got a black tuition vehicle.  So that is a fairly common colour.  And as Bryan said to me: it is hard to keep clean (dust-free) in this sort of weather.

Originally I did not want a silver car when I was down at the induction because I had my own silver Focus which was in the process of selling then.  However, as the replacement date drew closer I started thinking I'd prefer if I got a silver Focus.  That with yellow AA livery over it would look quite bright in the summer.  If I got navy blue again it would be nice, but not much change.  I wouldn't mind really.  But silver would be cool.

When I opened the window to check out my car this morning I saw in front of it another AA vehicle and this one was SILVER!!  Wow!!  It was like a dream come true kinda thing!  Weird how I didn't pray to God about this, thinking it is not that important anyway, only car colour.  Yet God knew my heart's desire and granted me it!  Again, this shows that God can see into our hearts and into our heads and grant us big and small things according to His will.


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