24 November 2010


I have an item of thanksgiving to share.  Yesterday I thought I lost my phone cover for my HTC Magic.  It seemed to have disappeared since after a driving lesson with a pupil between 4pm-6pm.  I looked all round the car for it though it was dark and I used a torch to shine around the seats and footwells etc.  Nothing.  I drove back to the alleyway where I were remembered last holding the phone cover before my pupil came out.  Nothing.  I looked around the house and searched my jacket pockets.  Nothing.  So I resigned to label myself as being careless for losing such important part of my phone, which helps protect it from dust, scratches and general exposure.  However, something was still niggling inside me and didn't want to give up the search.  I wanted to look again in the morning where hopefully proper daylight would help me see better in the car.  So this morning when I got to the car the first thing I did was go on "hunt mode".  As soon I sat on the driver's seat I looked through my steering wheel and saw my white phone cover lying flat behind the steering wheel and under my instrument cluster and the dials etc.  And cos yesterday the sun set around 4:15pm it made it very difficult to see it was there as it did not obstruct the lights on the dials etc so I couldn't see it.

So I really thank God for keeping the phone cover safe for me.  Honestly, I had no clue where it was cos when I was calling the 4pm pupil I left it on the passenger seat.  When he came to the car I remembered I gathered my stuff together for him to sit and it could have dropped out of the car when he opened the door.  I drove back to that dead end where I met him and shone my fog lights and main beams in hope to find the white phone cover but saw nothing.  I knew looking around in the dark was hopeless.  It wasn't until God's natural light shone around me that the phone cover appeared in front of me.

The lesson to be learnt from this is, not do anything in the dark.  We as Christians are light of the world and salt of the earth.  We should love the light and dislike the dark.  For myself personally I find I make the wrong decisions when late at night.  I find my senses are dimmed then as well, along with my logic.  After midnight is when I generally get tired and grumpy.  It is when I am most prone to arguing etc. 

That's why last night I stopped myself from making that purchase of the Samsung laptop (but I actually really purchased it properly this morning along with a copy of Microsoft Office 2010 for half price!).  It's after midnight when self-control becomes laxed as well and I am more prone to sexual tempation online (something that I've quit for a while now which is good!).  So do things in the light.  Make important decisions in the morning.  Sleep over it.  Pray over it.  But leave it till the morning.  Most things we feel "passionate" about on the night actually feels "ok" the next morning.  Ever get that?  Even anger is the same.

16 November 2010

He gives and takes away

There is a well-known Christian song by Matt Redman called Blessed Be Your Name in which the bridge sings: "You give and take away, You give and take away.  But still my heart will sing, Lord blessed be your name."  This reminds us that God can give us anything and He can take them away too.  He is pretty much in control of everything: omnipotent.  This song resounds in my heart after what happened during a driving test today.  This afternoon I sat in on a driving test interpretting for one of my Cantonese speaking pupils.  He was a bag of nerves again and though he really wanted to avoid the Left Reverse manoeuvre where he failed on last time, he was unfortunately given that manoeuvre to do by today's examiner.  Now this examiner was a very very very extremely nice lady and by that I mean she was soooo patient with my pupil letting him stop during the manoeuvre and to breathe and relax before continuing.  Now that might be just normal you might think, but listen to this.  Pupil was so nervous that he actually hit the kerb with the kerbside rear tyre.  In fact, he was apologetic about his nervousness and shaking of his left leg (which subsequently shook the clutch pedal and the car) and stopped to open the window for air.  Examiner was nice about it and told him to take his time.  When he continued he scraped the wheel again the kerb again and the car definitely felt resistance as he tried to reverse.  The examiner told him he could stop, catch his breath and think what his instructor would tell him during a driving lesson.  Of course I had to interpret to Pupil.  Pupil then looked at me helplessly and asked in Chinese, "Can I start this [manoeuvre] again?".  I felt embarrassed asking the examiner but really surprisingly she hesistated then said quietly, "Ok, you can move forward a tiny bit." of which I translated for Pupil.  His face lit up and he thanked the examiner and tried his best to move the car forward BUT not just a wee bit, but at least two metres!!  Noooo!!  You know what?  The examiner didn't even say anything to him.  He managed to recover from this damning position and completed the manoeuvre successfully.  Phew!!  After he finished it he even asked if he could step outside as his heart was racing.  The examiner seemed very empathetic and told him to turn off the engine before stepping outside.  He did that and was back on to his test within 30 seconds.  Ok, so the biggest hurdle for Pupil was now out of the rest shoudl be a doddle, right?

Pupil was only less than ten minutes away from returning to the test centre when he tried to squeeze his car through his lane in between a left lane of queueing cars and a lane of on-coming traffic where three cars forced their way through an amber light.  It will be hard to describe through words alone here, but I'll try.  The traffic light he was asked to turn right.  There were two lanes.  The left lane was left and ahead and the right lane was right only.  He was to use the right only lane.  That's fine.  However, this road was mega tight because of parked cars on the opposite side, so the traffic queued on the left/ahead lane and the parked cars made the right lane hard to get into.  The lights were at red as Pupil approached it, but then turned to green as we were about to enter into this tight right lane.  However, from across the road three cars managed to push through the previous amber light and came through towards us making our already tight road excessively tight.  Pupil thought he had enough room to fit through between queued traffic and those oncoming traffic and got the car so close to the queued traffic that the examiner had to pull the steering wheel slightly to make sure ther wing mirrors did not collide.  At the same time she commented how close he was too the cars on the left.  Aw man!!!  As soon as an examiner takes verbal or physical action the driving test is a fail for sure, no doubt about that.  And sure enough when we finally reached the test centre (we were the last car to get back after that long delay at the manoeuvre) she had to tell him he wasn't successful this time and it was because of Adequate Clearance to obstructions.  Argh!!!

We both felt this examiner really helped him so so much.  She took the risk of getting talked about, by letting him hit the kerb twice AND let him move forward during his Left Reverse which he otherwise would have failed if with another examiner.  The test pass was basically handed to him on a plate.  All he had to do was maintain the high standard of driving forward which he had in him.  However, one reckless decision ruined it all for him.  I asked him how he was feeling as it happened.  Was he nervous again.  He said he was fine, in fact quite calm and was certain he'd passed.  And at that situation he felt he could enter the right lane without causing any dangers.  I advised the gap was far too close for comfort and he should always drive to make the examiner feel safe.  Though no cars were damaged in any way by his decision, the examiner had such a fright and could not pass him because of that.  He was disappointed and so was I to be honest.  How amazing would that be if he had passed today.  A sign of God's miracle and mercy.  However, it was not meant to be.  God gave my pupil a great gift.  A test pass.  But because of his ego, his arrogance, his over-confidence perhaps, he made a wrong decision and it caused him the test.  Instead of squeezing through the gap, he should have waited for those last three oncoming cars to clear first before proceeding onto the right lane.

The lesson is never to drop your driving standards or be too relaxed about standards and safety during your driving test.  Be on your toes until the very end when you turn off the engine.  The other reminder is, when God gives you something good in your life.  A nice blessing: job, family, friends, a person, money, whatever.  Don't take it for granted.  Do not think that thing will be yours forever and just let down your guard or whatever.  We should be appreciative of each thing or person He has blessed us with and seek to take care and treasure this thing.  Cos if you don't, you just might lose it.  Or it might be taken away from you.  Today's driving test examiner was a gift from God.  However, my pupil mucked it up by letting his standards drop.  How disappointing but also how good a reminder to me.  Nothing is for certain.  Keep seeking God in all that you do.  =)

09 November 2010


Having updated this in ages, so I will do so by sharing three items to give thanks to God for.

1) As I left the house for work this morning, I saw my downstairs neighbour come up to catch his cat which must have escaped when he opened his front door.  So I greeted him then we proceeded to go down the stairs.  I then asked him if he had any plans to remove the rubbish lying outside his door.  He told me he didn't know what to do with the rubbish, that he left rubbish out once and it was taken away.  I told him he had to take his own rubbish through to the backcourt, cos the rubbish by his doorway sometimes stank.  That is quite unhygienic as well as a fire hazard.  It is not appealling to any of my visitors either, not that I have any.  Lol!  But I thank God for providing me the opportunity to speak to the guy instead of chapping on his door and appearing hostile etc.  Btw, I made sure I smiled and appeared friendly when asking him.  Haha!  Update is, the rubbish was all gone by the time I came home today around 4pm!  =D

2) The rain was so heavy when I got up this morning and battered against the car on both legs of my journey to Greens.  However at 9:40am when I left for work the rain suddenly stopped and sunshine came out!  The first lesson was very bright in fact!  Also I saw a rainbow at my second lesson, around 2pm in the Springburn area.  I pointed out the rainbow to my pupil.  Haha!

3) I received great news from a close brother that God answered our prayers about his recent application.  The application was successful and this shows God is the wonderful Provider for us, no matter what our situation is.  We can rely on Him.  This news is encouraging and I hope strengthens the brother's faith in this tough time =)

19 May 2010

Our desires

It's amazing how God can know your desires and grant them as well even though you might not have requested it in prayer to Him.  I mean, this is a great example.

I was due a replacement tuition vehicle from the AA this morning.  My first tuition vehicle was navy blue and I picked it up on 19 November 2009 down in Market Harborough.  I was the only person to get navy blue colour out of the fleet of black, silver, gun metal silver, blue, khaki etc.  So I felt it was quite a rare colour to get.  I returned to Glasgow to only ever see two or three other navy blue AA cars.  When I knew the time was up for a change of vehicle, I thought to myself what colour I'd like.  Well, Bryan got black colour at his induction (I passed my Part 3 in his car!), and he got another black coloured Focus for his replacement.  No change for him. Louise who recently qualified also got a black tuition vehicle.  So that is a fairly common colour.  And as Bryan said to me: it is hard to keep clean (dust-free) in this sort of weather.

Originally I did not want a silver car when I was down at the induction because I had my own silver Focus which was in the process of selling then.  However, as the replacement date drew closer I started thinking I'd prefer if I got a silver Focus.  That with yellow AA livery over it would look quite bright in the summer.  If I got navy blue again it would be nice, but not much change.  I wouldn't mind really.  But silver would be cool.

When I opened the window to check out my car this morning I saw in front of it another AA vehicle and this one was SILVER!!  Wow!!  It was like a dream come true kinda thing!  Weird how I didn't pray to God about this, thinking it is not that important anyway, only car colour.  Yet God knew my heart's desire and granted me it!  Again, this shows that God can see into our hearts and into our heads and grant us big and small things according to His will.


13 May 2010

God's timing is impeccable!

This morning I received a phone call from a pupil who had to cancel his driving lesson originally scheduled for 12pm-2pm.  I finished my morning lesson then went home for some lunch and to do some chores etc.  At 1327hrs I received a call from an 0845- number.  I picked it up and was greeted with an automated message from Lloyds TSB Fraud Prevention Team.  The message was saying they detected some unusual activity with my Lloyds TSB Mastercard which were made recently and they needed me to verify these transactions.  The message listed out these three:

1) 13 May 2010 (today) £1119.18 - Made at a Travel Agency / Tour Operator in Israel - 1.26pm UK time

2) 8 May 2010 (last Saturday) £6.04 - Made at Miscellaneous retail store in the US - 11.05am UK time

3) 6 May 2010 (last Thursday) £34.99 - Made in UK online merchant (Play.com)

After these three recent transactions were read out I was presented with two options: Press 1 to confirm I made these transactions.  Press 2 to confirm that one or more of these transactions were not made by myself or Press 3 if I was unsure about any of the mentioned transactions.

I pressed 2 and got through to the operator after a two minute hold.  The operator asked if me I had made any of these transactions.  I advised I only recognised the Play.com purchase.  The other two mentioned I had no knowledge of those activities.  I told her especially the £1119.18 transaction which was made in Israel.  I said there was no way I could have done that if at 1.26pm UK time today I was still hoovering around the house.  So there was no chance.  The operator said I might have made a purchase recently which might have only processed through now at 1.26pm UK time.  I said to her that the activity was for a travel agency tour operator in Israel.  I told her I have no holiday plans at all this year and that it was definitely not me.  She said the transaction was declined so nothing will be done about that.  She also verified the £6.04 transaction from last Saturday.  I advised again I did not make that transaction either.  She will now put a trace on that transaction and find out where and how it was made.

The operator asked me I understood what was happening here.  I told her I understand there was fraud happening and although I sound calm, I am sure it will all sink in later.  Picture this, I was at home minding my own business, doing chores etc when suddenly this kind of phone call brings this sort of news!  It was a bit alarming, aye.  The operator told me she had blocked the Mastercard now and will arrange for a replacment one to be sent out.  Any monies removed from my account as a case of fraud will be reimbursed into the account.  The PIN will not be changed as that was not compromised, the card details must have been cloned from elsewhere.

After I hung up I went to tell my sister about it as she got home from being out.  I still have the piece of paper which I used to jot down the details of the transactions hence I could be so accurate.  But man, this is definitely scary thing.  My household has been so cafeful with our confidential letters and documents and we shred everything we do not want.  So it cannot be ID fraud by people searching in the bins etc.  It could only be information cloned from a non-secure website when I was using it to make purchases with the card.

Once the initial shock passed I reminded myself of God's way of working.  His ways are well and truly beyond our comprehension.  There I was a bit disappointed with my lesson cancellation, but that meant I was at home to receive the all-important call.  If I were working I'd certainly miss the call and there might still be  illegal transactions happening as I type this.  But no.  By God's grace and mercy the card is now redundant and I will get a new one.  Will have to be careful of how I use this one.  I thank God so much for His protection.

Guys be careful with how and where you use your credit or debit cards, especially for online purchases.  Make sure the website is a secure site (you can tell if web address begins with https://)

03 April 2010

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Tonight, towards the end of a driving lesson a pupil drove alongside queued traffic on Byres Road when suddenly we heard a "clunk!" noise.  The pupil asked what the noise was to which I informed that they had hit another car's mirror.  Then I checked my rear mirror and saw the car started following us and flashing it's lights at us.  I asked the pupil to pull in to the side when safe and the other car parked in front of us.

I walked out to talk with the Asian dudes who came out of the car to examine the mirror.  They noticed a tiny crack on the casing of the mirror.  Whether it was from the impact of our mirror hitting it, I am not sure, but I was sure there was a crack there as I touched it.  With two more people in the back of his car there was more than enough witnesses to say what happened.  I was offering my details to the driver who was displeased with happened.  I had to own up and said it was our fault it happened and I was happy to exchange details with him as my insurance is with the driving school.  The guy wanted to settle it ourselves to which I told him it will have to be done through insurance because it happened during a lesson.  The guy was a bit hesitant and then said to leave it as he could not be bothered to go through the insurance.  That was a relief to me and I thank God for hearing my prayers because as I walked out of the car to talk to the guys I meditated inside asking God to protect me as it was a genuine mistake and that I'd do what I can to help resolve it.  God gave me the peace and the calm inside to talk to the guys ok and nothing else happened.

Thanks be to God for His protection.  =)

Safe in God's hands

This post is to give thanks to God for His protection.

On Tuesday 30th, there was heavy sleet, snow and rain and at the end of a driving lesson I asked a pupil to pull up to the side to park.  The nearside front tyre mounted the kerb then came back off with a nasty crunch.  Thinking it was a "normal" kerbing of the car I did not investigate, also cos it was so wet and cold outside.  However, I saw a little gash on the tyre wall on Wednesday morning at the start of a lesson.  After the two hour lesson I checked the tyre again and noticed the gash developed into a much bigger hole (as above!).

It was quite scary and horrible, to be able to see the inside of the tyre.  The Kwik-Fit mechanic said it looked like somebody tried to slash my tyres.  Haha!  I explained that a pupil mounted the kerb.  Which is what I had to report to the AA Group Claims number on Wednesday.  All I had to do was bring the car round to Kwik-Fit (nearest one was on Maryhill Road) and they had it sorted for me for free!

It's not just the free Kwik-Fit that I am thankful for, but thankful the tyre did not burst during the 2hr lesson which would have destroyed any confidence of the pupil and be quite scary, considering we were doing 60mph at some point of the lesson.

So again, thank God for His protection!  :)

26 March 2010

Financial blessing

During my one hour break in between driving lessons I popped into Finnieston McDonald's for a loo break and to get a hot chocolate.  It was raining and I was walking quickly from the car park into the restaurant front door.  When I was around the corner from the door I looked at the floor and saw this Ten Pound note lying on the floor, folded in half.  Needless to say it was quite wet when I picked it up but I quickly put it into my pocket.  I was quite excited at picking this money up and felt it was a blessing from God.  I was also surprised that the guys sitting there eating did not see the money as they sat by the window looking out and would have saw me pick the money up.

However, at the end of the day I believe this is a blessing from God.  He knows that I am trying to save money right now and would rather use the McDonald's Monopoly stickers to get free food and supplement that with my own sandwiches or whatever.  Trying to keep my money because I don't have steady income anymore like I used to.

12 March 2010

God's protected

This morning I left the house at 8:15am carrying my teaching materials, a 2-litre bottle of water, my tyre tread depth gauge and my shoulder bag.  On the walk to my car I somehow let slip of the bottle and it flew directly under a car.  Along with it, my tread depth gauge!  Noooo!!!  I use it to check my tyres and also teach my pupils how to do it too!!  I crouched down to get a better look and both items were directly below the middle of the car.  There was no way I could reach under to get it especially when the pavement and road were damp from overnight rain.  Argh!!  What a waste of £6.  Must I go to Halfords to get another one soon?  I thought my day was off to a crap start.  However, I decided not to think about it any more and focussed on delivering the day's driving lessons to the best of my ability.

When I got home from work I walked past the same part of the pavement towards my flat entrance and looked around the same area in hope of seeing the tyre tread depth gauge or the bottle.  Nothing.  I got ready for the gym and as I headed out back to my car I had another look.  A car must have just left because there was a big space and in that space laid a flattened plastic bottle (my bottle!!) and not far from it MY TYRE TREAD DEPTH GAUGE!!  Whoo-hoo!!  I was so happy when I picked it up to find it still works and only had one dent on it. Not sure if it was from impact when it dropped or a car ran over it?  Not sure, but I don't care really cos I felt God's love for me.  I felt God protected that tyre tread depth gauge from 8:15am to around 6:30pm!!  Ain't that amazing??  For those of you who have used one before you will know it is nothing longer than a pinky finger and is thinner than a standard pen.  For that to be on the side of the road where cars parked and it NOT be to broken after all these hours can only be down to one thing.  God's protection!!  =D

You see, I was reflecting upon this on my drive to the gym and I was reassured inside that once God protects something then NOTHING can break it.  NOTHING can get in the way.  It will be fine.  No matter how "dangerous" the situation may be, everything will be ok.  That's the same with love, with matters of the heart, with our emotions.  If God protects a relationship, or the feelings of two people, then NOTHING can get in the way.  No matter what, these two people will end up together in the end.  But how will you know who God has for you?  Well, you have to get to know God right?  Or continue to seek Him and seek His will for you.  How do you know what your parents are gonna cook for dinner?  You ask them right?  "Mum/ Dad, what are we having for dinner tonight?"  Ok, some might say you can just turn up at the table and just eat.  But that's not the point.  To get to know someone and what they think you should spend time with them.

So my recent battle between the heart and the mind, questioning who my future life partner will be.  To be honest, has a been a waste of time.  Why should I worry so much?  I should spend more time seeking God.  Working hard.  Making sure God is pleased rather than pleasing other people.  I should not look to satisfy my desires but satisfy God.  I focus on the things that are eternal.  Relationships will come at a good time if it is God's time.

I recently reminded myself: "A good thing at the wrong time is just wrong."

So therefore, "Seek first the Kingdom of God." Matt 6:33

24 February 2010

Cake treat

Last week during conversation Caroline mentioned she will bring in cakes for my final week at the office.  I totally forgot about it until around 1030hrs this morning when she opened up two boxes of cakes: a box of cream-filled yumyums with icing on top and a box of cream donuts with a bit of jam.  Wow!  She was very kind indeed and let me have first choice as well.  I chose the yumyum one because I had not had that for ages since healthy eating etc.  However, I took it this time cos I have recently let myself go in terms of eating food cos I'm going for the bulk and I know I exercise so much these sort of food does not affect my body that much =)  Caroline said the cakes were because I was leaving and when I thanked her she told me my mum and my sister will each get one too.  Once everyone took a cake there were three donuts left and she gave them to me.  My my, how very kind of her.  It is not the first time she has spoilt us with her treats, but this time it was "for me" and I also got to share the coolness with mum and Cat.

All good things come from God, so therefore I praise God for providing such nice people in workplace.  At lunch both David and Caroline treated me to my ciabatta bread on chicken mayo, coleslaw and a side salad and a bottle of water.  So kind of them.  Praise God!!

11 February 2010

Lose One, Gain More

Well not long ago my Polish colleague Ewa told me that she has to cancel Saturday's driving lesson because she only just found out her friend from Poland is giving her a surprise visit this weekend so she won't have time for the lesson. We can't reschedule to the following Saturday either because her sister arrives then, and she had originally hoped to go out this Saturday to drive on the left side of the road and get used to it so she can hire a car for possible road trip etc.

When I heard it my heart sank. Yes, my first disappointment of a cancelled lesson, even worse - loss of pupil. Especially when last night I checked my business account and realised it was very low in funds cos the franchise fee kept coming off it and I have not input my February takings yet. Sigh....made me worry about having so much free time cos that's loss of earnings. Self-employment ain't fun!

However, a few moments ago I checked my phone (whilst still in the office) and saw a missed call from an Unknown number. With that was a text message from Auntie Linda who said she passed my number onto someone looking for a Chinese driving instructor. Wow! It's like, potentially I haven't lost a pupil. Or at least, it feels like God is reminding me not to worry, that He has my back covered. It's amazing! =)


Another amazing thing happened once I got home from work. Jean texted me asking if I'd be interested in giving driving lessons to her sister each time she visits Glasgow. She'd be looking to take three to four hours of lessons each time. I told her I'd be delighted to take her out for lessons, they'd be in the west end but she'd definitely need her provisional license to come through first cos legally I'd need that. Jean said she will get back to me once her sister receives her provisional.

Again, thank God for providing another potential pupil for me at this time =)

Throughout the day though I had been a bit "bothered" by something. To do with my driving instruction: whether I can make enough money, whether I give good enough lessons to my pupils. I felt Wednesday's lesson with Elaine was kinda sucky. Maybe cos it was a one hour lesson and things felt rushed. Sigh. Anyway, went to Fellowship and went to the GCCC survey meeting and in Fellowship I watched the start of a Christian movie called "Facing the Giants" about Christian people who have everyday problems and being reminded of God's love for them. I was reminded that no matter how bad life is God loves me and He is in control. He won't let me die. He will take me through anything. =) I got home and then Matt called to see how things were and I got to ask him some questions about the clutch, about moving off and then in the end we had an interesting conversation about girls and who he can match me up with. Lol!

09 February 2010

Picked up money!

God is amazing! Today as I walked out of City Park I saw a crispy blue Five Pounds note which was half scrunched up, lying on the ground. I quickly dashed down to pick it up and continued to walk out with Eileen and David. What a blessing this is from God as I can now use the fiver to pay the donation which I said I'd give to Rachel for the new Beatson Oncology building. That's me saved five pounds AND the charity has gained from it =)

14 January 2010

Selling of my car

Finally!  There is a genuine interest for my -03 Ford Focus and the process of selling has now started.

Back in 11th December a person called "J" texted me asking for my final asking price of the car.  I said £3500 and she said it was too high but would discuss with her daughter.  On 31st December "J" came back and offered me £2800.  I said minimum of £3000 before I will let the car go because I had spent so much money on it already AND had taxed the vehicle until May 2010 recently and had not added it onto the price.  A few days later, 3rd January, "J" said they could not go any higher than £2950.  At this point I literally laughed out, cos I felt they were trying to haggle with me and keep the price low.  Fair enough if you were buying from a dealer, or even if the car was a bad condition in any shape or form, but those who know me would know I looked after my car very well.  It had only done 28,300miles in it's lifetime and the body work is mint condition, brand new tyres put on them and the engine is ever so reliable.  So for me to sell it at £3000 only it really hurt my wallet.  I was def making a loss.  But hey, I had put it down from £3500 to £3200 on my ads due to the current finacial climate, knowing that it was hard for anybody to come up a high amount of money at this time of the year.  Also, having the car parked on the street each day would decrease it's value whilst increasing the chances of it getting vandalised or damaged in any way.  As long as the car goes into safe hands I am willing to let it go.  "J" must have been local and must have caught sight of my car and the A4 ads I had up on the rear windows.

So... on Tuesday (12th Jan) "J" texted out of the blue saying they could offer £3000 if that's ok and they'll make arrangements for a mechanic to have a look at it.  Of course I said it was fine.  After all, I had nothing to hide.  I called "J" in the evening and it turned out to be a mother who was looking for a car for her daughter.  She passed the phone to her husband who is called John.  I introduced myself and told him a bit more about the car.  He told me about a bum deal their daughter got on an Alfa Romeo from a dealer and that case is now involving Trading Standards and lawyers etc.  So they want a reliable car.  I reassured him realiable is something they can expect off me and off the car.  I have had no troubles with it at all.  We made arragements for a test drive and chat the following day.

Yesterday (13th Jan) I met with John at 1:30pm.  Had the chance to give the car a wash at Foam n Away before drying off some parts and got all my lever arch of paperwork and receipts and even brought the original Ford radio cassette unit down with me.  I drove to Forge Shopping Centre carpark and along the way I told John about the car and that the reason I was selling it was cos I had a driving school car to drive so there was no point in taxing and insuring two cars at the one time.  Letting him know I was a driving instructor and giving him the real reason for selling my car helped to reassure him of my genuine-ness and it started winning his trust.  He had a shot of the car around the big car park as well as driven it back to our meeting place.  He loved it!  The deal is 90% done and all that was left was this mechanical check at Gordon's Garage which is local to me.

I took the car up to Gordon's Garage at 1pm today and took it back at 2pm.  The mechanic commented on how "minted" this car is, absolutely not issues with it, good new tyres on it, looks great etc.  He did note that the starter motor seemed a bit weak to him.  I said I feel a slight one or two second delay occasionally in the recent cold weather and it might have been to do with the car being parked unused for prolonged periods.  He said he wasn't sure that was the case, but the starter might go in a few day or in a few years, it's impossible to tell.  I told him I'd pass that message on to John and that John would call him anyway.  This evening before the gym I spoke to John who was delighted with the report and was not concerned with the starter motor concern.  I assured him it has NEVER given me any trouble at all in the time I've had it.  He said he trusts me and won't be play me around either.  I told him that I am messing him around either.

So, two genuine people with a common point of interest - the Ford Focus.  We're going to seal the deal on Saturday.  I suggested we meet at our local library where we have tables we can use to look through paperwork and to fill out the V5 registeration document.  Also I asked him to bring ID with him as I need to know if the car will be registered to him or to his daughter.  He should know by tomorrow night he said.  Ah, one thing I forgot to ask him about is insurance.  Will he have sorted out insurance for the Focus before driving it away?  Hmm...

The deal is 95% completed until Saturday when I get cash in hand :)

I wanna thank God for giving me an interested buyer, a genuine one at this current climate.  May he make good use of the car and may I make good use of they money :)

03 January 2010

Sat Nav

God the Protector is amazing!  I entered my car this morning at 0906hrs this morning and opened the glovebox to get my sat nav.  The sat nav was not in the glovebox!!  What?!  I looked around in slight panic, but then saw it sitting face-down on the passenger front seat.  My my!  I had left it like that since coming back from yesterday's driving lesson!  =O  So dodgy!  It could have been stolen!  The car could have been broken into and the glovebox raided for the goodies!

God the Protector certainly showed face in this situation.  I believe he protected my car through the night.  Thank Him nothing happened to my car and I certainly have to be more careful too!  Hallelujah!