14 August 2009

Yesterday I had a filling done that involved removal of side part of my tooth and having that replaced with a filling. Was told not to eat with that side of mouth for 24hrs, but when I started chewing anything on that side of mouth that tooth hurt. Before the dental work, the pain was only there when my floss got caught in between the teeth at the back, but now the pain was when I was even chewing semi-soft food like raisins and currants etc.

So I went back to the dentist to have it checked out. Doctor Balmer said the filling looked intact and nothing was wrong with it. It might have been infection due to the amount of bacteria that was released after he took away the badly decayed tooth. He said the gums around the tooth looked infected so it would be better to take antibiotics now to get rid of any infection and wrote me a prescription. The problem was, I was not expecting to use any money in this dental visit, so I did not bring my wallet. I went back to the office and told manager Bob what the dentist said, and I said I will pick up prescription tomorrow. I carried on with my work then Bob came up to me later and said I could go get the antibiotics now in the pharmacy along Alexandra Parade as the phones were very quite after payroll cutoff had gone.

Whilst walking to pharmacy I gave thanks to God under my umbrella. Though it was raining heavily I felt peaceful inside with the reminder that God loves me very much and by His grace I can get the antibiotics early enough and hopefully the pain will disappear soon as well. =)

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